Specialist Seminar Schlieren: Using single cell analysis to guide cell therapy development in cancer

Event-Datum: 05.12.2023

When: Tuesday, December 5th, at 16:00h.

Where: Seminar room L121/123, Wagistrasse 12, 6th floor

Presenter: Sebastian Kobold, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany 

Sebastian Kobold, M.D. is a professor of experimental immunooncology, head of the immunopharmacology group, and deputy director of the division of clinical pharmacology at the University Hospital of Munich. He has received, among many other awards, the 2022 cancer research prize of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences. Focusing on tumor immunology, Dr. Kobold is especially interested in developing and testing novel strategies to treat cancer using the immune system. His goal is to translate his findings into clinical applications to improve therapies for cancer patients.

«In my talk, I will discuss how we can use single cell analysis to guide and inform cell therapy development in an effort to render living drugs safer and more efficacious in our fight against cancer.»
